#Coronavirus: This Sad Pic, a Telling Poem and the Gaza Pic

INSIGHT: Coronavirus, Gaza, Palestine, Kashmir, India… all part of a larger contour we probably can’t see, but feel (feesee). Only visionaries can we are told — this: “Vision is the art of seeing things invisible…”

The intellectual virus codenamed “truth” by men of wisdom freezes in this Gaza pic — an apex of interfaith harmony amid subzero humanity Palestinians in their land have been handed out.

This pic below of situation up north of Gaza probably did it to Palestinians: “As one candle lights another nor glows less, so nobleness enkindleth nobleness”…

In India, the narrative is all compassing — 360 degree. Makes sense, with Kashmir and the country in lockdown, and the Muslims blanketed in a connectivity cloud whose contours are hate and crime in the name of Hindutva albeit nationhood course-correction.