‘Hate With a Pop Sheen’ Songs Gaining Popularity Among India Youth

DESPARDES — India weaponizes music to push Saffron agenda of Hinduatva, cow protection, anti Muslim sentiments, and push to transform Kashmir’s social fabric through forced conversions and immigration.

A recent report in The New York Times says mixing dance tracks with calls for religious warfare, Hindutva pop amplifies a wave of Hindu nationalism in Narendra Modi’s India.

“Every house will be saffron!” a singer, Laxmi Dubey, yelled into her microphone, referring to the color representing Hinduism, the paper reported.

“The crowd cheered when she added a throat-slitting hand gesture”.

Dubey is one of the biggest stars driving the rise of Hindutva pop music in India over the past few years. The lyrics in some cases openly call for the slaughter of nonbelievers, forced conversions, or attacks on Pakistan.

The songs are amassing huge numbers of views on YouTube — Ms. Dubey’s most popular song has more than 50 million on its own — and a growing fan base among the young.

Headlined, ‘India’s Soundtrack of Hate, With a Pop Sheen’, the report cautions that brain-washed Hindu mobs with compliant state institutions seeking ‘Hindu Raj’ in India forecast a choppy future for minorities in India and the region.

