This Optical Illusion House Morphs, Changes Shape in a Totally Surreal Way

This video of the house by Roy Lichtenstein makes me question my eyes. As you walk around the piece, “House I”, it morphs and changes shape in a totally surreal way. The house is made from fabricated and painted aluminum and located at the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden, in Washington, D.C.

“Roy Lichtenstein may be best known for his 1960s pop art paintings based on advertisements and comic strips, yet he also produced a significant body of sculpture, including large-scale works designed for the outdoors. House I incorporates the hallmarks of the artist’s style: crisp, elemental forms, heavy black outlines, and a palette based on primary colors. Whereas most of the artist’s sculpture approximates freestanding paintings in relief rather than volumetric structures in the round, some of his late sculpture, such as House I, exploits the illusionistic effects of a third dimension. The side of the house at once projects toward the viewer while appearing to recede into space.”