INSIGHT: Reckoning Law On Assets Abroad and Judges ‘Outing’

The difference between discipline albeit surrender to authority and public grandstanding is absence of the…

INSIGHT: $400M Loan From the World Bank– for Higher Education

PKONWEB Report — The World Bank has announced it will provide $400 million to support…

Sikh Genocide 1984: Memorial Day Observed in US, UK, Canada

DESPARDES News Monitor — The Sikh Community of Connecticut, along with Norwich and state officials,…

INSIGHT: Higher Education in Turmoil

There is no better way to destroy a country than to destroy its education systems…

INSIGHT: Debating a Dictator

Akbar Ahmed recalls a time when he couldn’t resist questioning General Zia-ul-Haq on his vision…

Kashmir at OIC Summit: Special Envoy Appointed to Monitor Rights Violations

DESPARDES News Monitor — The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has appointed Saudi Arabia’s Yousef…

London Mayor Sadiq Khan Likens Donald Trump to ‘a 20th-Century Fascist’

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, accuses Donald Trump of ‘shamelessly’ interfering in the Conservative party…

Pushing the Edges: FBR Drive Yields Incremental Successes

The IMF’s has been pushing Pakistan to make tax efforts equal to 1.7 per cent…

Trade Fears Erase Over $2Tr From Global Stocks in May

DESPARDES News Monitor — President Donald Trump has opened a new front in his ongoing…

Request Made to Hide USS John McCain During Trump Visit to Japan

Trump has criticized McCain when he was alive and after his death last year The…

Pakistan Needs to Increase Tax Compliance, Not New Taxes: World Bank

99 Pct People Can’t Be Served On 1 Pct People’s Tax, Says PM Khan in…

Three Kashmiri Youth Killed By Indian Forces in Occupied Valley

DESPARDES News Monitor — Three Kashmiri youth were killed by Indian security forces in occupied…