I am an angry man
no longer young
my dreams have been out
in all the weather
I used to
make up highway exits as I went along
and rattle my fever
at strangers
I am an angry man
no longer young
who turned out to be a genius after all
what a moron
sometimes I get so tired of
so many different things at once
I panic
I am an angry man
no longer young
the wire gets higher each day
and I know the gun is loaded
sentenced to the sky
preaching a desperate kind of arithmetic
which won’t be gathered
until the clouds are full of hungry prisoners
By David Lerner
You can find David Lerner’s hard-hitting published works of poetry at Zeitgeist Press.
“Lerner was a broken-down saint if there ever was one. He was an eloquent screamer, a soft-spoken rageoholic, a madman with a great manuscript. His poetry will always be a reminder of a time when poetry in the Mission was spontaneous, magical, and more than a little bit dangerous.” — Bucky Sinister, San Francisco Bay Guardian