Random Thoughts: About a Cool Check, POI, Etc.

Irshad Salim; Home & Abroad

Irshad Salim: 20+ years ago in the early 2000s, my neighbor Narku from Ghana who was very articulate and well read, and belonged to a Political family, shared thoughts and predicted that west Africa as the next zone of Interest in about 30 yrs time. His reasons somewhat match the narratives in this clip to quite an extent. The clip shared at the Back2School WhatsApp Forum was purportedly about how & why Africa is a dehumanization project economically–for the movers and shakers interests and at the peril of the Africans –FactCheck is needed though. (April 2024)


Decades ago, I learnt these two things among several: 1) Working is physical. Performance is value-addition. Job means performing. Giving results no matter how big it may be is part of the ‘job’ one gets paid for as salary/remuneration. Example: In the late 80s abroad, on a $2.4m dam/spillway project, I prepared and negotiated successfully with the township client, a Change Order (Variation Order) for additional $2.4m. I ‘expected’ my employer would ‘take care of me’. “It’s your job, part of your job….to perform, no?” the boss (Mike and his younger brother, partner Ernie) said. Mike wrote a cool check when my son (in his name) was born. I realized the difference between the ‘no’ and the ‘yes’. 2) Employment is a generic term. Even a rich person can be employed, BUT gainful employment means putting food on the table–for those whose employment is the ONLY source of income. It helps a person gain–make a living, grow, get economic mobility (credits, loans, etc.), and acknowledgement, respect in the neighborhood, society. An employment can be a second/third source of income and help gain honor, respect, ‘more’ upward mobility, etc. (April 2024)


An analyst requested me to listen to his analysis (aired on Capital TV) of Iranian President’s Pakistan visit and its significance amid Middle Eastern crisis. I commented that in my opinion, “It’s all about geo-economy as this is the way forward in my opinion. However, it seems we are unhinged, and at the same time not operating on high moral grounds–in fact muted, muffled, muzzled…to seek high moral grounds as plank for geopolitics–at least in the neighborhood is the key.” “I’m sharing my random thoughts as I look at the big picture!” He attached a ‘red heart’ emoji to my take. (April 2024)


Acknowledging that home (family~mother, father, siblings) is where a good citizen’s embryo emerges, is the first step toward re-embracing our age-old value-system which we had decades ago, and had generally let go unwittingly –under induced pressures. (April 2024)


Iran-Pakistan Pipeline: My first take is:
–It seems geopolitical constraints which hitherto played orchestra in the wider region have become unhinged, Now the diktat is to match ‘national interests’, as the cost of importing crude and taxes on it surpass benefits which can be passed down the ladder to common man (consumers) on the street.
–The cost/benefit analysis now points toward taking a leap of faith in ‘nation’s’ interest, making ‘national interest’ sync with the former. For this to happen, wider political support is needed–that appears to be available. Other buying credit facilities also reportedly is available.
–Sanctions “are not working/do not work” is the general consensus on talking points in the fringe ecosystem of global governance.
–TAPI remains a pipe dream amid ongoing reverberations northwest and east of Pakistan.
–Lastly, in the SWOT analysis and Risk Assessment, negative variables’ Criticality Index appear to be running south of its earlier impacts.
Above are some among my personal views on this matter.


I’m developing a ‘Hate Index’ (How good we are in/at hating). We’ve been doing great here on its growth score–over the years. Will share once complete. Need volunteers though (Please feel free to contact me on WhatsApp or email: [email protected] if you would like to volunteer).
BTW, years ago I developed ‘Pakistan Opportunity Index (POI)’–while in Riyadh–with the hope that the curve would show progressive climb up. There were aberrations in the attributes we were using. Myself and the two other volunteers decided we drop the POI for the time-being; will share more on this later. (April 2024)


Random Thoughts: Irshad Salim, Karachi (April 26, 2024)