IRSHAD SALIM — On Mar 14, 2020 a falcon with mini camera on its back — and released from the top of Khalifa Tower — went looking for its coach, and they found each other — the social distancing order for humans don’t cover birds of prey and vice versa.
Chances are when it’s all over and they let us out, we’ll behave — after a while though, my guess. President Trump thinks so and so do I.
What a meet we have of a crappy thought though. But hey, life must go on, the country needs to be back to work, says Trump. He’s doled out $2.2 trillion before the Easter Sunday on April 12. Lot’s of shopping, eating, and golfing, etc. it can buy and sell or make things happen.
Trump beat China on this one. He has been a grim reaper after the way Xi handled the #Coronavirus hit, I mean the whole situation.
Still, Mexicans have frisbeeid him his wall mantra with this one below. Irony, isn’t it, that despite Trump being good at that, golfing notwithstanding. We’re all his apprentices and learning.

On a sombre note, south of the outbreak band (30-50deg north latitude where the weather is still cold), RAMADAN 2020 could be different in the Middle East and Asia region despite warmer temperature, with everything that’s currently happening in the world. That having been said, we have to be brave enough to acknowledge the Sahaba, and that includes Muslims up north — if lockdown continues in some parts of the world they live in — including downunder (Oz Australia).
The writer is Editor/Publisher of and a business consultant, analyst based in Islamabad. Email: [email protected]
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