PKONWEB Report (Karachi/Lahore/Islamabad) — The Women’s Day (Aurat March 2019) in Pakistan (held on 8th March) activists touted (see video below) it was for women’s economic justice, reproductive justice, right to our city, and environmental justice”–and that “we want equality, not revenge!,” said Marvi Samad’s on social media. She followed it up with a poster:
Someone didn’t like it though–and with a poster tweeted, “Apne Janaze Khud Parhain” (Read your own funeral prayers).
The countrywide Women’s Day was never the less observed albeit celebrated with bells and whistles, bang and posters. A woman’s place is not just in the kitchen, said one woman with a poster in Karachi. We hear you.
Another said, if you’re sick of hearing our stories imagine living in them. So true, we understand, agree.
Some wanted freedom though! Hmm…
While cautioning of trolls, the Aurat March Lahore tweeted: “Please note there are may people circulating pictures of women carrying signs, which have been doctored & edited. We believe this is to take away from March’s impact and our demands. Please ensure the veracity of the picture before you share it.”
The Aurat March Lahore still attracted huge crowd:
Even men among them, understandably…
It also tweeted: Sisterhood, solidarity resistance and healing with pics. Cool.
Hifzah Khan said, “#WhyIMarch so some day I can be a post feminist in a post patriarchal society. I march for all those who can’t, for one day we all will stand together as equals.”
A Nighat Dad’s take we liked:
Women in Peshawar also had their own show of solidarity. Why not…
Aurat March Lahore paid tribute to them with, “Our sisters from Peshawar, reclaiming a space in a city that’s 1000 times difficult than Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad. Hats off to you all. Together we are stronger sistas”.
In Karachi, this “dark and lovely” poster girl said it all:
This one below was more direct in magnitude and direction, probably meant for the trolls on social media and many who ogle, toggle and wobble–Pakistan is still a male-dominated and patriarchal society, culture and attitude wise.
…where many laws still exist skewed toward an unbalancing ying yang. No wonder this lady said it loud and clearer…
By the way social media is male-dominated in Pakistan…females lag behind. And therefore many trolls to handle.
Read more here:In Pakistan, Social Media Usage is Male Dominated, Females Lag Behind (Infographics).
The transgenders participation was a welcoming sign that they recognize gender equality (and vice versa)…
Aptly, one huge poster in Karachi said, “Embrace the spectrum”.
Why? Here’s one of many other good reasons…

And lastly, here’s a video of the crowd marching on Women’s Day in Pakistan, apparently meant to give a shut up call to the trolls and their sympathizers.