Why I Am Not A Liberal
Liam Kofi Bright at The Sooty Empiric: Those of us in the contemporary academy who are not liberals ought give an account of why not. This asymmetric burden falls on
Liam Kofi Bright at The Sooty Empiric: Those of us in the contemporary academy who are not liberals ought give an account of why not. This asymmetric burden falls on
By Martin Butler: Beliefs about the essential goodness or badness of human beings have been at the heart of much political theory.[1] A recent book by the political philosopher Lea Ypi succinctly
Prabir Purkayastha in CounterPunch: Do the Ukraine war and the action of the United States, the EU and the UK spell the end of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency? Even
Ron Paul (former Congressman from Texas) once gave a speech called “The End of Dollar Hegemony,” where he pointed out the ONE THING that would precipitate the US dollar’s collapse.
Continue readingMore Countries are Now Abandoning US Dollar. Is the End Near?
A good read below, if you are interested in global politics in general, and India’s relation with other nations: BY Swaminathan Gurumurthy – Having pushed Ukraine into war, the US
Continue readingUkraine Crisis: The War That’s Changing Relations, Rules
ISLAMABAD, MAR 18, 2022 – It all started (in Pakistan) with the “Mehengai” chorus.It was then replaced with the “US+EU vs China+Russia” narrative.Then came Khan’s “language issue”, and then the
Prime Minister Imran Khan asked the president to dissolve parliament and hold an election after the no-confidence motion against Khan was dismissed. Pakistan’s president has dissolved the National Assembly on
Continue readingTWO Social Media Videos on Vote of No Confidence Move in Pakistan
Pakistan Army Chief Gen. Bajwa took questions from some of the attendees at a security dialogue held recently in Islamabad, and responded to them as a battle-hardened officer, a region’s
Continue readingGen. Bajwa on Some ‘Heads I Win Tails You Lose’ Deals in the Past (Video)
Melvin Edwards, Sam Gilliam & William T Williams — all of them are key figures in the history of abstraction. The presentation marks the first time the artists’ works will
Gathering for Ramadan for the First Time Since the Pandemic Began: Last week, Maleika Jones was still waiting for a package of Ramadan decorations. In her preparations for the monthlong
Continue readingBreaking the Ramadan Fast in Anchorage, Alaska
The world’s biggest colonial power prided itself on being a liberal democracy. But liberal imperialism gained resilience from its ability to absorb and neutralize objections. Was this part of the
Continue readingThe British Empire Was Much Worse Than You Realize
Peter Conrad at The Guardian: This ingenious final volume of an epic biography illuminates the imagery in the artist’s work during Europe’s war years and his complicated love life. John