DESPARDES NEWS MONITOR — Some 35 Afghan civilians lost their lives at a wedding party in Helmand province on Monday when Nato forces with government security personnel launched an op against the Taliban.
According to Dawn News citing officials, the gory incident took place on Sunday as security forces raided a hideout where suicide bombers were being trained by the Taliban. The wedding party was underway opposite the hideout.
A Taliban statement said 18 Afghan Security personnel were killed, reported DN.

There has been an uptick in violence in war-ravaged Afghanistan after the US-Taliban peace talks were called off by President Donald Trump.
Post-9/11, US and Nato forces’ presence in the country has entered its 19th year and “with no end on sight”, according to some observers.
Prime Minister Imran Khan who’s in New York to attend the UN General Assembly met with President Trump on Monday with Afghan peace and the Kashmir situation top on the list of things to discuss.