Can the Brain Help Heal a Broken Heart?
This work could also help researchers understand the mechanisms that link psychological factors with physical health. … Continue readingCan the Brain Help Heal a Broken Heart?
This work could also help researchers understand the mechanisms that link psychological factors with physical health. … Continue readingCan the Brain Help Heal a Broken Heart?
Chaos and Cause: The answer depends on the perspective you take: physics or human agency… … Continue readingCan a Butterfly’s Wings Trigger a Distant Hurricane?
Poet and artist Gozo Yoshimasu defines what poetry is via Basho, Walter Benjamin, Paul Klee, smoke, Zen philosophy, and handwriting. … Continue readingWhat is Poetry?
Borders no longer are mere fixed invisible divisions set under geopolitical rationales whose main objective is defining national territorialities. … Continue readingGlobal Mobility, Bordered Realities, and Ethnocultural Contact Zones
Patti Smith at her own Substack: Recently I was in San Francisco and did a book event with Lynn Goldsmith for her book before/Easter/after. We were staying in the same
So live your life that the fear of deathcan never enter your heart. Troubleno one about their religion; respectothers in their view, and demandthat they respect yours. Love your life,
Since Oct. 7 of last year, his role has shifted from ostensibly being focused on energy to outwardly concerned with armed conflict. … Continue readingWho Is the Ex-Israeli Soldier Serving as Biden’s Lebanon Envoy?
China’s efforts to decarbonize are upending a world economy dependent on the petrodollar and, in the process, restructuring the U.S.-led world. … Continue readingChina Builds a New Eurasia
Stopping the planet from warming requires that we stop emitting carbon dioxide entirely,; that means that to effectively mitigate climate change, you have to build an entirely new energy economy. … Continue readingTed Nordhaus: Environmentalism is Antithetical to Abundance
The US today has extraordinary levels of gun ownership. But to see this as a venerable tradition is to misread history. … Continue readingWhy America Fell For Guns
Post-fast feasting helps to activate stem cells in the gut but can also prompt development of precancerous growths, mouse research shows. … Continue readingThe Surprising Cause of Fasting’s Regenerative Powers
Don’t stop me if you’ve heard this one before.It’s about a dark night, a path, thick woods.The light was nailed shut, then opened like a door. The cabin you found