Author: DPstaff

How the US Lost the Solar Power Race to China

China now produces more than 90% of the world’s photovoltaic-grade polysilicon. Back in 2010, it was a minor player.

The Last Days of Mankind

Today, each one of the assumptions that underpinned western policymaking and journalism for nearly three decades lie shattered.

Yuval Noah Harari on Why Christianity Became Popular

by Lex Fridman at YouTube: The following is a conversation with Yuval Noah Harari, a…

The Passion of the Elites

Among the topics discussed is the nature of symbolic capital; whether self interest and political idealism are necessarily contradictory…

Fats Are Actually Quite Useful

Besides storing energy as fat, lipids are best known for encircling and protecting every living cell on Earth. The molecules form an effective barrier…

Some Fun Facts About Bamboo

From the National Geographic: 1. Fast growth – Bamboo is the fastest growing plant in…

On the Myth that Arabic Translations Merely Preserved Greek Literature

What is less well-known is that the point of translating foreign works was not to preserve them but to build on them.

A Smart, Sinuous Espionage Thriller Brimming With Heat

Kushner’s narrator is an American spy-for-hire. She’s 34, a dropout from a Berkeley Ph.D. program. She’s working under an assumed name.

Poem: ‘Moment’

A poetic expression penned by Irshad Salim in the Summer of 2020 –while in Islamabad:..

Ten Ways to Spot Gen Z, According to ChatGPT

As of 2023, those born between 1997 and 2012 make up the largest generation in the world, but how easy are they to spot?

Can the Brain Help Heal a Broken Heart?

This work could also help researchers understand the mechanisms that link psychological factors with physical health.

Can a Butterfly’s Wings Trigger a Distant Hurricane?

Chaos and Cause: The answer depends on the perspective you take: physics or human agency…