Saturday Poem: The Double Image Redux
Turn the photo of your mother in its frameso she can’t tsk her tongue against her teeth:the cold eyes will follow you just the same— a trick of perspective like Mona Lisa’s
Turn the photo of your mother in its frameso she can’t tsk her tongue against her teeth:the cold eyes will follow you just the same— a trick of perspective like Mona Lisa’s
by J.D. Tuccille at Reason: Of course, in war of any sort, the implication is that both sides are involved in conflict. Western intelligence officials are loud in their warnings
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By Daniel Chandler at Time: The publication of Rawls’s magnum opus A Theory of Justice in 1971 marks a watershed moment in the history of political thought, drawing favourable comparisons
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Shachar Pinsker at Aeon: Since 7 October 2023, nekama (‘vengeance’ or ‘revenge’ in Hebrew) has emerged as one of the key words in Israeli public life. We’ve heard discussion of
The Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline is of paramount importance for the rulers, as the lives and livelihoods of over 240 million Pakistanis are tied to this fuel–finding a solution is top
Steve Nadis in Quanta: Imagine you had a friend who gave different answers to the same question, depending on how you asked it. “What’s the capital of Peru?” would get
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I find an old air gunand a can of ammodown in the basementin a cardboard moving box,along with some other stuff,flotsam from previous lives.A teenager, a long-expiredme, used it to
Human Differences in Judgment Lead to Problems for AI by Mayank Kejriwal at Singularity Hub: Many people understand the concept of bias at some intuitive level. In society, and in
Election 2024; Incumbency; Media Polls; Debate; Pornstar…
by Team Zeteo: The protests against Biden aren’t just happening outside the White House. They’ve also been happening within, as several Biden administration officials have publicly resigned over the support
Eric Kutcher, a senior partner at McKinsey, talks to the leaders of two of Indonesia’s largest telecommunications providers—Ririek Adriansyah, president director of PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk (Telkom), and Vikram Sinha,
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Dr. Azra Raza’s eloquent tribute to her beloved friend Mansoora Hasan, a Pakistani painter par excellence: “A glamorous, high-spirited, loving, vibrant, flamboyant, funny, fun-loving, gifted, talented, elegantly and unusually dressed
Continue readingPortrait of Artist Mansoora Hasan as a Young Woman