Author: DPstaff

Byzantine Regained

Jerry Saltz at Vulture: In the year 286, Emperor Diocletian began to formalize a division…

Alexander Calder and the Optimism of Modernism

In the view of renowned US author and critic Jed Perl, Alexander Calder remains America’s…

The Hotel Guest Who Wouldn’t Leave

On a June afternoon in 2018, a man named Mickey Barreto checked into the New…

Citizens of the United States Will Need to Declare Their Loyalty When This Film Arrives on April 12.

New ‘Civil War’ Poster Divides America Into Warring Factions by Britta DeVore at Collider: The…

Saturday Poem: Zombies in Paradise

Today they’re recruiting for the Corps of the Undead;in fetid cubicles they anticipate more dead….

We’re Focusing on the Wrong Kind of AI Apocalypse

“We need to worry about the many small catastrophes that AI can bring.” Ethan Mollick…

Qualities of a Great CEO—and, By Implication, Great Leaders

Eighty percent of successful CEOs come from within their companies, but many of them think…

‘To Hell With Poets’ by Baqytgul Sarmekova

Peter Gordon in the Asian Review of Books: How is a reviewer, faced with (yet…

Six Little Stories With Lots of Meanings

by Dr. Masud Isa from Australia: Once all villagers decided to pray for rain. On…

Ten Unsung Digital and AI Ideas Shaping Business

An estimated $30 trillion in corporate revenues will arise from products that have not yet…

Rohingya of the Two Nation Doctrine

A recent podcast with the author of the book “Refugee”–it is centered on the 1971…

Friday Poetry: Give-and-Take-Ghazal

by Denise Duhamel & Julie Marie Wade: I would like to give more than I…