Category: Business

Ukraine war has already changed the world economy

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has already transformed the global economy—but not in the ways one…

More Countries are Now Abandoning US Dollar. Is the End Near?

Ron Paul (former Congressman from Texas) once gave a speech called “The End of Dollar…

Bernie Sanders on Corporate Greed, Corrupt Political System, Oligarchy

Congratulations to the workers at Starbucks for your union organizing success. A union means not…

The Art of Monetary War

THE SCALE OF THE WESTERN RESPONSE to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been as surprising as…

Pakistan Regains It’s Decade-Old Ease of Doing Business Ranking

Pakistan has improved its position amid COVID-19 shock on Ease of Doing Business Index (EODB)…

‘Virtual’ Davos in Era of Pandemic Beyond Geopolitics

World Economic Forum (WEF) organizers are expecting leaders for a virtual gathering starting Monday —…

The Five Fastest Growing Economies In The World Despite 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted 2020’s growth around the world, with global growth projected (in…

China’s Nuclear-Powered ‘Artificial Sun’ a Vector of Future World

‘Tokamak’ can reach temperature of more than 150 million degrees Celsius; that’s 10 times hotter…

Coup For China: World’s Largest Free Trade Agreement Signed By 15 Asia-Pacific Countries

UPDATED: Fifteen Asia-Pacific countries on Sunday signed the world’s biggest free trade deal, seen as…

Lagarde Says European Central Bank Will Adopt Digital Currency

European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde signaled that her institution could create a digital currency…

$5.8B Reko Diq Dispute Award: Pakistan, Tethyan Talking

The World Bank’s International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) last year ordered Pakistan…

Skilled Migrants Will No Longer Be Required to Earn £35,800 to Be Able to Settle in the UK

The UK is introducing a points-based immigration system from 2021. The points-based system will include…