Category: Business

Switching to Renewable Energy Could Save Trillions

Jonah Fisher at the BBC: Switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy could save the…

Our Shambled National Economy and Bogus Lifestyle

During the period covering last 10 years, following TEN major reasons of serious deterioration in…

Watch Bernie Sanders Speak, PLUS His Tweets On Politics, Economy, Corruption, Oligarchy

“I don’t agree or endorse all of them. However, rest of them ring the bell…

IMAGINEERING: Blast From the Past (Videos)

An idea of an auto (EV, Solar, Etc.) that can still work: Another idea that…

IMAGINEERING Houses Amid Climate Change Challenges Home & Abroad (Pics, Videos)

The Pakistan floods 2022 have woken the world up (including me) to the country’s acute…

WATCH Some ‘Floating’ Ideas: A Hospital in Pakistan, A City in the Pacific, Iqbal Solar Park, Water From Ocean, Etc.

Curated by Irshad Salim (2020~) Honorary contributors to DesPardes: Ajaz Ahmed, Ammar Jafri, Anwar Abbas,…

Inequality, Justice, and Economics

by Raji Jayaraman in 3QuarksDaily: In the last two decades the topic of inequality has…

IMAGINEERING: Undersea Restaurant in the Maldives, 3.5Km Long Goods Train in India, Pak-Made Football in Space (Video)

Select videos from social media and WhatsApp shares | Tropic of Cancer Series

The World Is Seeing How the Dollar Really Works

Adam Tooze in Foreign Policy: 2022 has been a year of dollar power—power that manifests…

When Coal First Arrived, Americans Said ‘No Thanks’

Back in the 19th century, coal was the nation’s newfangled fuel source—and it faced the…

At Wipro, Rishad Premji Introduces Five Habits in His Quest For a High-Performing Culture

IMAGINEERING: Cultural change is a prominent agenda item for most CEOs, as it is one…

A New Study Suggests That People Who Become Affluent Have Less Sympathy For the Poor Than the Born Rich Do

Psychologist Susan Pinker explores new discoveries in the science of human nature. Susan Pinker’s column…