Category: Environment

Astronomers May Have Found Life Beyond Earth

By Peter Savodnik at The Free Press: We will soon know a little more thanks…

Confirmed. Most Robust Evidence Yet That Plant-based Diets Protect Both Human and Planetary Health.

Emma Bryce in Anthropocene Magazine: People who follow a diet rich in plants cut their mortality…

The Enduring Mystery of How Water Freezes

Elise Cutts at Quanta: We learn in grade school that water freezes at zero degrees…

Snake Plant

Shared by Arif Mirza, Toronto: NASA has classified Sansevieria–now called Snake plant–as an air purifier…

Why Sharks Matter: A Deep Dive with the World’s Most Misunderstood Predator

Leon Vlieger at The Inquisitive Biologist: When it comes to protecting animal species, you would…

The Fault in Our Forecasts

Susan Hough at Asterisk: The reality is that earthquake prediction is hard. “Neither the USGS…

‘Invasion of Monkeys This Morning’

Where is this?Banani DOHS, adjacent to Kurmitola golf course (Dhaka).Omg…Playing golf?Where is it? So many?See…

Future of Food: Four Myths About Vertical Farming Debunked by an Expert

by Zoe Harris at Singularity Hub: Vertical farms look high-tech and sophisticated, but the premise…

Do Plants Have Minds?

by Rachael Petersen at Aeon: Gustav Theodor Fechner championed the idea that plants have souls…

Bizarre Bacteria Defy Textbooks by Writing New Genes

Ewen Callaway in Nature: Genetic information usually travels down a one-way street: genes written in DNA…

“Because It’s There”: The Unending Allure Of High Mountains

Henry Wismayer at Noema: This month marks 100 years since Mallory’s last dance with the…

Pics Speak: Week Ending June 7, 2024

Clowns celebrate The Day of the Peruvian Clown in Lima, Peru Children play on a…