Category: Insight

The Magical Thinking That Sustains Our Humanness

by Anna Badkhen at Aeon Magazine: Amadou is always tapping into a global knowledge of…

Philosophy Was Once Alive

Pranay Sanklecha at Aeon: ‘Why did you decide to study philosophy?’ asked the Harvard professor,…

Dog Vision is a Trendy Topic, But What Can We really Know About How They See?

From Aeon: Between camera filters and clickbait, the digital world is rife with misleading information…

The Scientific Origins of Racism

by Jacob Zellmer at Aeon: Imagine for a moment that tomorrow we find humans on…

Breaking Free from the Cultural Neurosis

By Dr. Alexander Lowen at Poetic Outlaws: We want to be more alive and feel…

Why is Chile So Long?

by Tomas Pueyo at Uncharted Territories: Chile is so long, it’s curved. How long is…

Ray Kurzweil Predicts Three Technologies Will Define Our Future

Sveta McShane in Singularity Hub: Over the last several decades, the digital revolution has changed nearly…

Across a Continent, Trees Sync Their Fruiting to the Sun

Meghan Willcoxon at Quanta: Each summer, like clockwork, millions of beech trees throughout Europe sync…

Ray Dalio: The Coming Great Conflict

“From studying 50-plus civil wars and revolutions, it became clear that the single most reliable…

The Strategy Behind One of the Most Successful Labs in the World

Luke Gebel et al in Nature: The Medical Research Council’s Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB) in…

Researchers Say Chatbots ‘Policing’ Each Other Can Correct Some AI Hallucinations

by Shelly Fan at Singularity Hub: This week, a new study in Nature offers an…

Can You Inherit Memories From Your Ancestors?

Hannah Critchlow in The Guardian: Since the sequencing of the human genome in 2003, genetics has…