Category: Middle East

SEP 2022 As the World Turns…

Soldier who walked with Queen’s coffin found dead at Army barracks… ‘Metaverse’ children to replace…

Why Iranian Women are Risking Everything By Burning Their Hijabs

Jonathan Guyer in Vox: It was not an isolated incident of police violence in Iran. But…

Ascent of I2U2: Acronym for USA, UAE, Israel, India

The Under Secretary of United States State Dept. on Tuesday Sep 20 convened I2U2 counterparts…

COMMENT: Tropic of Cancer Countries in Wealth and Happiness Chart By Visual Capitalist

IRSHAD SALIM — Pakistan is ahead of its eastern neighbor India in happiness score and…

How Arab Filmmakers Investigate the Desert and the Peninsula

Film curator, writer and academic Roisin Tapponi looks at how contemporary Arabic filmmakers use thirst…

The Strait of Hormuz آبنائے ہرمز (Video)

The Strait of Hormuz linking the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman provides the…

Famous Turkish Proverbs and Sayings Worth Listening to (Video)

TROPIC OF CANCER Series: Proverbs and sayings are an important part of any culture. So…

1-Minute Iranian Film: Father With Kid Daughter at a Convenience Store (Video)

An Iranian filmmaker’s one-minute film below is par excellence -he has deftly weaved the socio-cultural…

Biden’s Visit to KSA ‘Worse Than an Embarrassment’ (Video)

BERING STRAIT + TROPIC OF CANCER Report: Meetings between leaders of important nations are usually…

What We Talk About When We Talk About Israel

In a new book, Walter Russell Mead looks at all the ways Americans’ understanding of…

Iraq: A Revolution Murdered (Video)

By Pierre AYAD at AFP: The Iraqi political scene has been ablaze for the past…

Behind President Putin’s Visit to Iran

“Sanctions imposed by Europe and the US on Russia had made cooperation between Russia and…