Category: USA

Lina Khan: Extraction Exterminator

From The American Prospect (TAP): In March, President Biden established a Strike Force on Unfair…

Kings, Laws, and God

From Wisdom of Crowds: On July 1, the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in the case…

The Kennedys And The Women They Destroyed

Louis Bayard at The NY Times: In the opening sentence of her rage-swollen “Ask Not,”…

Does Embracing Local Customs Help Immigrants Feel at Home?

by Ljiljana Radenović at Psyche: On 28 August 1999, I landed in Toronto, Canada, from…

Conversation About The Debate and its Aftermath

Damon Linker at Notes From the Middleground: The two-part conversation with Jonah Goldberg that I…

Pentagon Ran Secret Anti-vax Campaign to Undermine China During Pandemic

Chris Bing and Joel Schectman at Reuters: At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the…

Can You Pass a U.S. Citizenship Test? Take Our Civics Quiz

Emma Uber in The Washington Post: While the Fourth of July conjures up images of…

Friday Poem: At a Party On Ellis Island Watching Fireworks

The man next to me sings God Bless America even thoughhe knows the Statue of…

Prediction Markets Suggest Replacing Biden

Scott Alexander at Astral Codex Ten: Some of the party’s problems are hard and have…

Julian Assange—Journalist or Jerk?

By Matthew Gault at Newsweek: No person is just one thing. I believe that strongly…

Mary L. Trump: Why I’m Still With President Biden

The Good in Us by Mary L. Trump: It would be absurd to pretend that…

For Trump, the Debate Was Another Chapter in the Rewriting of Jan. 6

By Jess Bidgood at The New York Times: About halfway through Thursday night’s presidential debate,…