Category: World

US Returns $57 Million in 1MDB Funds to Malaysia

DESPARDES News Report – Malaysia on Tuesday said the U.S. government had returned some $57…

Venezuela Update: ‘Fake Coup, Faked News…Was a Hoax’

DESPARDES News Monitor – There has been days of breathless reporting in the U.S. media…

Casino Upstarts Give U.S. Operators a Run for Their Money in Asia

Gambling venues are opening across the region to lure Chinese bettors from Macau—home to Las…

The World is Running Out of Sand. ‘We’re Eroding Our Foundations’.

The more the Earth warms up, the more people will need cooling. And, the more…

UK Turns to Asia for Nurses to Cover 70,000 Staff Shortages

UK is facing serious health staff shortage estimated to balloon to a shortfall of 70,000…

Venezuela In President Trump’s Crosshairs: Here’s What Maduro Says…

“As the day went on, doubts began to surface – who exactly was backing the…

China Agrees to Slash Malaysia Rail Price Under Belt and Road

Critics said it benefited China more than Malaysia. China is building  a deep-sea port on…