1-Minute Iranian Film: Father With Kid Daughter at a Convenience Store (Video)

An Iranian filmmaker’s one-minute film below is par excellence -he has deftly weaved the socio-cultural and economic issue of grass-root level, and added creativity to it -the plot and the message telegraphed in the movie filmed inside a convenience store evokes the need for public awareness of the issue bottom up:

WhatsApp shared by Syed Ali Ammar Jafri

ABOUT THE SHORT FILM (produced in Persian language): A financially hamstrung father walks into a convenience store with daughter. He picks bread from the shop and was about to walk away when the shopkeeper stops him, making the daughter confused. She asks her father as to what happened. Her father was about to apologize when the shopkeeper tells the girl-kid, “your father forgot the change” and hands over some cash to her him. While leaving, another person at the shop tells the girl’s father, “You are also forgetting the bag of rice” and hands it over to the father.

An awesome 1-minute but filled with the timeless message of caring, sharing, etc. Solutions are us, within ourselves…and among us.

Note by Irshad Salim, Karachi

ALSO WATCH: MOTHER: This 1-Minute Iranian Film Took My Breathe Away (Video)