Random Thought: ‘I Don’t Mind’ By Irshad Salim

I shook hand with a mascot at a the Centaurus Mall in Islamabad one day. He asked me how was I doing. I said I’m okay but I’ve something to say. “Go ahead”, he said, as he danced to a music.

I told him (passers by watched both of us; one doing a monologue, the other dancing around):

–I don’t mind rule of law, it helps. I don’t care martial law either, it can help.
–BUT I ought to get in return facilities to make a living, pay for rent or mortgage, pay for auto –offered installment plans + and have credit facility to up my living progressively. These in return will help both ways.
–How? direct taxes then can be deducted from my payckeck. Cost of loans and credits can be paid from my earnings –provided there are earning opportunities, instead of being told to go abroad (Dubai Chalo mantra) or stand in line of BISP, or beg, borrow, steal, etc.
–I don’t mind then if I’m picked up for anti-state activities, as reward & punishment go hand in hand.
–I don’t mind then if others are ddoing corruption, wining and dining and dancing –as long as i am putting food on the table and going to sleep every night so i have tomorrow to earn a living.
–I don’t mind if I am called an idiot, as long as I am busy fulfilling my instant responsibilities, such as family welfare, employment duties.
–I don’t mind who is in Federal or State power as long as the foregoing is happening.
–I would then chose or not to opt to vote for. If i vote, it will be for who offers the best bang on my cost of living, and facilities such as medical, health, etc.
–If i do not vote it would be my matter, not anyone else’s business.
–If I have residual time, I would spend it on happiness, calmness, and not on pleasure and pomp, grandeur.

If all these are not happening, or unhappening for some and happening for some, then there is room for soul-searching, activism whether there is civil rule or military rule or Orwellian rule.

Irshad Salim, Oct 22, 2024

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