Things Don’t Add Up

ISLAMABAD, MAR 18, 2022 – It all started (in Pakistan) with the “Mehengai” chorus.
It was then replaced with the “US+EU vs China+Russia” narrative.
Then came Khan’s “language issue”, and then the “neutrality” issue.
In all of the above, most of the electronic media went along.
FINALLY, it’s all about who gets paid how much & when and how (cash or cryptocurrency) and what seats, to switch (cross floor). And the same media remains ambivalent about it.
Meanwhile, how the economy can be utilized to pay the debts (specially foreign) the State carries – due to these politicos, has taken a back seat.
The gr8 musical chair game as always in the past, when chips are down, is being played again -reminiscent of ‘Nau Sitaray’ (Nine Star) days in 1977.
Things don’t add up.
Note shared on Mar. 18th with some WhatsApp Forums

ISLAMABAD, FEB. 26, 2022 – Shared the following two notes cumulatively on some WhatsApp Forums:

DEC. 25. 2021 – A. soft State over decades (-1) + Huge cumulative foreign debt over decades (-1) = “-2”
B. A crowd not a nation yet (-1) + Good avg. wealth w/o personal debt (+1) = “0”
NET observation = “-2”
Note: Other dependent & independent variables notwithstanding.
Note shared on Dec. 25th with some WhatsApp Forums

DEC. 10, 2021 – In my opinion: “Each political party should submit plan how they can handle debt (if they want to be a serious player).
Such plan should be looked at by the State and independents, analysts, Economist’s, and the civil society.
Protesting and complaining without tabling solutions is a monkey business -democracy or no democracy.”
Note shared on Dec 10th with some WhatsApp Forums

ISLAMABAD, FEB. 24, 2022: Shared a meme (below) on the upcoming “No Confidence Motion” – as my take on it:

Meme on Feb. 24, 2022

ISLAMABAD, FEB. 20, 2022: Shared my take (video clip below) on the situation – as I see it. Watch it till the end:

Feb. 20, 2022

Irshad Salim, Islamabad

1 thought on “Things Don’t Add Up

  1. Mohammed ismail says:

    Great priceless work. Thanks

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