How And Why We Play Social Status Games
WILL STORR IS THE WRITER’S WRITER AND THINKER’S THINKER: His books on storytelling and the human condition are widely read by highly influential people on both sides of the Atlantic,
WILL STORR IS THE WRITER’S WRITER AND THINKER’S THINKER: His books on storytelling and the human condition are widely read by highly influential people on both sides of the Atlantic,
Ram Mandir is the formal burial site of Secular, democratic India, says Dr. Syed M. Ali, an Islamabad based analyst. According to him, there is strategic significance of Ram Mandir’s
Continue readingRam Mandir: Formal Burial Site of Secular, Democratic India?
GOOD READ: A sweeping global history that looks beyond European urban centers to show how slavery, colonialism, and war propelled the development of modern medicine. “…this book explains why even
Continue readingMaladies of Empire: How Colonialism, Slavery, and War Transformed Medicine
At its core, Lindsay Hunter’s Hot Springs Drive is a novel about a tragic and violent crime that rocks a community, wrecks two families, and rends to shreds the close friendship
by Paul Bloomfield: Marcus Aurelius wrote, “The best revenge is to not be like your enemy”. All ought to heed this wisdom: the right and the left, across classes, races,
Continue reading‘The Best Revenge is to Not Be Like Your Enemy’
Complete video of the Seminar at George Washington University, USA, on 20 Jan, 2024. Seminar organized by Friends of Pakistan, and supported by First Pakistan Global discussed the situation of
Economic Update with Richard D. Wolff on Democracy at Work: In this week’s episode of EU, Prof.Wolff delivers updates on the mass closing of Greyhound bus stations around the U.S.,
Tariq Ali, a writer, activist, and longtime public intellectual has authored many books and is a member of the editorial committee of the New Left Review. He contributes to The
Continue readingTariq Ali on Winston Churchill: “His Times, His Crimes”
Walter Johnson in n + 1: People would later say that it began with the statement issued by the Harvard Palestine Solidarity Committee and thirty-four other campus groups after the massacre
Continue readingLiving Inside a Psyop: Three Months at Harvard
by Tim Sommers: Does ignorance always excuse someone’s actions no matter how much harm they cause? If so, doesn’t that imply that the less I know about the problems of
Continue readingIgnorance and Blame During the Recent Alien Invasion
Author Usman, a US national of Pakistan origin, lives in New Jersey. His novel’s main character Dr.Steven Lucas has a solution to end the fear of nuclear war: A cloud
O. Del Fabbro writes in 3 Quarks Daily: In September 2022, Fiona Hill claimed that with the war in Ukraine, World War III had begun. The statements of the American expert