Category: Insight
The Surprising Cause of Fasting’s Regenerative Powers
Post-fast feasting helps to activate stem cells in the gut but can also prompt development of precancerous growths, mouse research shows.
The Computational Power of Complex Societies: A Quick Q&A With Physicist and Computer Scientist David Wolpert
The formula for humanity’s evolution is one of better energy harvesting + improved information processing = greater complexity.
History of Emotions: To Ancient Assyrians, the Liver Was the Seat of Happiness
Have you ever stopped to wonder whether the way you experience emotion in your body is the same as someone raised in a different…
The Surprising Psychology Behind Your Urge to Break the Rules
Paul Bloom on TED: We all experience it: that desire to do something wrong just…
Researchers are Trying to Find Out: Could We Cool the Planet Using Sea Salt?
Quico Toro: When scientists bring up unconventional new ways of managing that risk, we’re told we mustn’t even talk about them.
Unveiling Turkey’s Karahan Tepe: Evidence of a Prehistoric Extraterrestrial Civilization?
by Huynh Mai: Deep iп the heart of soυtheasterп Tυrkey lies aп archaeological site that…
Book Review: The Intricate Connections Between Humans and Nature
In Peter Godfrey-Smith’s “Living on Earth,” humans are in no way separate from the life that surrounds us.
Scientists Discover New Evidence Earth May Once Have Had a Ring Like Saturn
Since Earth’s axis is tilted relative to its orbit around the sun, the ring would have shaded parts of Earth’s surface…
The Surprising Role of Deep Thinking in Conspiracy Theories
by Stephen Gadsby and Sander Van de Cruys at Psyche: Conspiracy theories are seemingly everywhere….
Scientists Say They Can Uncover New Levels of Physical Reality
Three scientists from the National Technical University in Athens, Greece published a paper that details this slightly altered take on Einstein’s magnum opus.
The Human Costs of the Research-Assessment Culture
Large-scale evaluation permeates the UK university system, but some countries are rejecting harsh judgements and emphasizing strategic development.
So, Which Movie Did Your Brain See? Eye Movements Can Create Different Versions of the Same Film in Our Heads
Lisa Dittrich in Phys.Org: Picture two people sitting in a movie theater, both watching the screen:…