Category: Insight

Surge in Protests Around the World in October; Common Factor Uniting Them?

LATEST: As many as a million Chileans protested on Friday in the capital Santiago in…

Kartarpur Corridor Would Add More Than $150m to Pakistan’s Religious Tourism Economy

DESPARDES — Nearly US$100,000 as daily income (US$20 per visit of 5000 pilgrims to Kartarpur)…

When the C.I.A. Was Into Mind Control

Gottlieb played a seminal role in shaping the agency in the 1950s and 1960s. He…

China’s New Way of War: More Than About Missiles Display

More than missiles, the display revealed a nation seeking to supplant U.S. as the dominant…

The Changing Face of Pakistan

JONATHAN SHAW — Pakistan’s image in the West as a lawless place in which no…

Counternarrative: Che Guevara Myth, the T-Shirt

The counter-punch writeup below is heavy and akin to a technical knockout (TKO) for his…

These Mohmand Agency School Pics and the Flagship Project

“It takes 3 days to win a battle, and 3 to 30 years to win…

Do Americans Support Impeaching Trump?

For the first time, the impeachment inquiry reached directly into the White House on Friday…

Banking Crisis in India Hits New Benchmark

There have been 16 banks failures due to Non Performing Loans (NPLs), which led to…

‘Razia’ Needs a Startup: Her ‘Net Worth’s Rs60B’, She Doesn’t Know

** Ignoring them would tantamount to the ignorance I experienced with some here: that our…

Wednesday: A Poem; Two Pollution Awareness Posters

مختصر سی زندگی ہے جی لو احتیاط سے گھونٹ گھونٹ یہ شراب پی لو احتیاط سے گر…

What the 4,000-Year History of Palestine Tells Us

Meanwhile, Zionism and Hindutva have much in common. They both fiddle with history by deliberately confusing…