Category: Video

Five Sea Battle Tactics in Movies and TV (Video)

Has the blue sea returned as a dominant theater for geopolitics and geo-economy? Is the…

Caucasian Blues and Sade’s Smooth Operator (Videos)

IRSHAD SALIM: “I love both these songs. Listen to them…they’re imaginative”, I said to a…

Eid Mubarak Special: FOUR Videos

‘A Bull in a China Shop’ is a person who breaks things or who often…

Dubai Chalo Aftermath: Poem and Video

IRSHAD SALIM: I penned this poem (below) in the summer of 1973 or 1974 –after…

Democracy as an Apple Keeps the Doctor Away

IRSHAD SALIM: I had a mini conversation recently with a Pakistani youth on democracy. As…

Chat With an Activist of Islamabad’s Aam Aadmi Party (Video)

IRSHAD SALIM: His name is Arshad Sulaihri, an activist of Islamabad-based Aam Aadmi Party (Common…

Did Ancient Egyptians Use Light Bulbs? (Video)

Some objects held aloft by human figures in ancient carvings in #Egypt really do look…

Ancient 100-foot High Chariot With Wheels and Horses -All Carved From Stone in Odisha, India (Video)

Some of the objects left behind by the people who came before us are truly…

China and Peru’s Rainbow Mountains Mentioned in the Quran (Video)

In China’s Zhangye Dandia Landform Geological Park, thousands of tourists from all over the world…

Conversation With Grandma On New World Order

Grandma (Dadi Amma) asked me “What is this?,” as I shared a video with her…

Money Laundering, Terror Finance: Pakistan Expected to Graduate to FATF’s ‘Compliant List’

Pakistan will graduate from FATF Asia Pacific Group’s “Grey List” to “Compliant List” sometime in…

Tropic of Cancer Series: Why Is It That The Letter X Represents ‘The Unknown’

Tropic of Cancer Series: What’s the dark horse story of the 24th letter of English…