Category: Video

Hats Off to Nafees Bhai’s Four Snippets (Video)

IRSHAD SALIM from Islamabad — Nafees Bhai would be hardly noticeable and recognizable if I…

VIDEO: ‘Neighborhood Watch’ in Karachi’s North Nazimabad

In Karachi’s North Nazimabad neighborhood called “Haidri” crime rate has dropped 80 to 90% –highest…

‘The World Has Risen For Palestine’ (Videos)

The Israeli attacks and ongoing land occupations from the Palestinians have led to the latest…

Satnam Punjabi Latest: ‘Nabi Diyan Siftan’ (Video)

Satnam Punjabi, 29, is a budding singer from Indian Punjab who is focused on peace,…

FOUR U.S. Congresswoman Weigh in Palestine and Israel Conflict (Video)

Four U.S. House of Representatives voice support for the Palestinians as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict witness…

‘Complete Racism’ in Israel, a Citizen Journalist Says (Video)

WATCH: A Western citizen journalist walks thru an unknown street in Hebron, Israel (he says)…

A Major Tropical Storm Developing Near Mumbai. Covid Crisis in India Could Worsen.

A major tropical storm is developing near India and Pakistan. The storm could break the…

THESE Views on Israel PLUS a Palestinian Kid’s (Videos)

Israel is violating the United Nations resolutions on Palestine which is the root cause of…

Israelis Celebrate Jerusalem Day at Al Aqsa as Fire Rages in Background (Video)

Israelis dance as they watched Al-Aqsa trees –near the western wall, on fire last night…

‘Palestine and Kashmir Are More Alike Than You Think’ (Video)

Israel has long been a settler colonial state and India appears swiftly to be headed…

PALESTINE: A Third Intifada in the Making? (Videos)

Israeli soldiers assaulted defenseless Palestinians as tens of thousands marked Laylat al-Qadr at Al-Aqsa mosque…

‘Corona is Like Your Wife’, an Indonesian Minister Says (Video)

A 15-second video has gone viral –it shows Indonesian Minister for Political, Legal and Security…