Imran Khan Catches Nation’s Collective Imagination (Video)

IRSHAD SALIM — Rather than make a breaking news, or a telegraphic report, I sat back, puffed Dunhills, watched WhatsApp shares, read tweets, listened, thought, understood, analyzed and then decided to put my updated take on Khan in 40+ seconds –in due consideration of mine and other’s attention span:

Love him, hate him, plug him, zip him, Khan has caught the collective imagination of the nation –a critical mass of the frustrated populace at home, and an exuberant diaspora abroad wishing for rule of law is on the horizon.

Generally, a sizable number of them get a glint in their eyes when I inquire ‘What do you say of him?” — a deep breath follows their response.

They (home & abroad) want positive and affirmative change…the dysfunctional system to transform. ‘That’s the way it is’ — ifs and buts notwithstanding.

Honorary contributors to DesPardes: Ajaz Ahmed, Ammar Jafri, Anwar Abbas, Arif Mirza, Aziz Ahmed, Bawar Tawfik, Dr. Razzak Ladha, G. R. Baloch, Jamil Usman, Jawed Ahmed, Ishaq Saqi, Khalid Sharif, Masroor Ali, Md. Ahmed, Md. Najibullah, Shahbaz Ali, Shahid Nayeem, Syed Hamza Gilani

2 thoughts on “Imran Khan Catches Nation’s Collective Imagination (Video)

  1. Kju says:

    Just a bit short of declaring him as god or at least a deota

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