Shared by Mustafa Jivangee: As the pace of technological change increases, time-span of empires decreases.
Roman empire lasted for a 1000 years, Ottoman 600 years, British 400 years. American empire is now about 150 years old starting from its acquisition of the Philippines in the late 19th century.
Decline and Fall of Empires is an ” inevitable” march of history and new powers would rise: China, India, Russia.
The American empire would decline but not go away.
From a unipolar world, we would move to a multipolar world where 3 or 4 big powers would have “regional” influence but not ” worldwide”.
The unipolarity of American empire which started from 1991 has been disastrous and this whole period of last 30 years has seen ” forever wars”.
In a multipolar world these ” forever wars” cannot be played.
Good for the world and for America also. It would pay more attention to its increasing internal problems.