Modi Meditates Amid India National Election

(AFP) – Prime Minister Narendra Modi embarked on a spiritual break Saturday to a famous…

Corrupt Political Mafia Wants to Blackmail the Govt. Thru Economy: PM Khan

PKONWEB Report – Calling the most recent financial assistance agreement between Pakistan and International Monetary…

Kuwait ‘Ready’ in Case of Regional War; FM Qureshi Arrives in Kuwait

Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi reached Kuwait on Saturday on a two-day official visit…

OPINION: Don’t Blame the IMF

The entire responsibility for the wreck that is the Pakistani economy lies squarely on the…

‘Don’t Tell Us to Halt the Violence, Tell the Americans’: Afghan Taliban

“Let us prove that only Western countries cannot solve this conflict,”… “There is also human…

PM Khan, Trump Meeting Hinges On Afghan Taliban Talks

Analysts say peace has never been closer in Afghanistan since the talks with the US…

China-Bahrain Venture Capital Fund Announced, Can Invest Outside Kingdom

Funds established in Bahrain are not restricted to investing in the kingdom; Bahrain has the…

Saudi Special Privilege Iqama: How Much Will It Cost

A Special Privilege Iqama Center is being constituted as the sole competent body to regulate…

Bleeding John Bolton Stumbles Into Capitol Building Claiming That Iran Shot Him

WASHINGTON (THE ONION) —Bursting through the Congressional chamber doors while moaning and clutching his shoulder,…

‘HIV Cases (in Sindh) Just the Tip of the Iceberg’: Doctor

A report in October 2017 revealed that the devolution of health ministry and AIDS Control…

NAB Questioning Zardari In Six Corruption Cases Worth Billions

Either NAB will be left standing or Pakistan’s economy” – Asif Ali Zardari PKONWEB Report…

Pakistan to Celebrate Four Decades of Hospitality to Afghan Refugees

Reminiscent of Switzerland, a safe haven for refugees during World War II Pakistan hosts the…