Random Thought: ‘Goodman Lantern’

Irshad Salim, Karachi: Couple of months ago a former Vice Admiral shared with me about…

Why Conscious AI Would Experience Beauty

Åsmund Folkestad at Extra Medium Please: Over several years now, a single question has refused…

Dog Vision is a Trendy Topic, But What Can We really Know About How They See?

From Aeon: Between camera filters and clickbait, the digital world is rife with misleading information…

Earth is Warming – But I’m Freezing

by Jack Marley, Environment commissioning editor at The Conversation: Fossil fuels have kept Earth 1.5°C…

Quotable Quotes of Iranian Thinker Ali Shariati

Shared by Hasham Siddiqui, ISB: The writings of the Iranian thinker, Dr. Ali Shariati, who…

The 10 Best Books of the 21st Century

by Abbas Raza at 3 Quarks Daily: The following writers each picked 10 books for…

In France, the Far Left Is King

Quico Toro in Persuasion: For weeks, pundits have been speculating that France’s snap legislative election…

Wednesday Poem: Eve’s Protest

Men insist I shouldn’t use my body to conquerthem when men have been using meto…

What Should an Old Man Read?

by Nils Peterson at 3 Quarks Daily: I have finally come to understand that I…

What Does McDonald’s Mean? Reflections After a Trip to So. America

by Santiago Ramos at Wisdom of Crowds: Something happens to a country when it gets…

How To Train Like A Minimalist (More Results In Less Time)

by Dan Go at The High Performance Journal: Back in 2020, my family sold our…

Tuesday Poem: On a Squirrel Crossing the Road in Autumn

It is what he does not know,Crossing the road under the elm trees,About the mechanism…