Monday Poem: Premise of Wise Fools

Sudden commotion inside premise of wise fools
silent gestures, whispering voices, hands raised
a la desperation gathering hurried conclusions
as if end perhaps is near.
Fear wakes in them the truth
another year is wrestling through
premises of wise fools
stilled, swayed, sawed, awed,
confused, aloof aloof and aloof.

by Irshad Salim, circa 1975 (at the age of 19).
–A version of the poem was published in Sometime Somewhere (1977).

Irshad Salim: It’s one of the series of poetic expressions written on the separation of East Pakistan, and the creation of Bangladesh after December 1971 –and the chaos, commotions, aloofness that followed in remaining Pakistan’s premise of movers and shakers.