Random Thoughts: VIP Jr.

by Irshad Salim: The world as was –like an extra large pizza yummy pie, was cut into slices of different shapes and sizes –by powers to be. They then decided to market/sell the slices under different brand names and at different transactional costs and pricings –with local supports of course –of and from the carpetbaggers, gold-diggers, et al.

Fast forward, we are now in the dystopian era (era of New Normal). Why I say so? Because, we all can only huff and puff philosophical pipes and make doodles (circles) from the smokes we inhale and exhale. Big guys are figuring it all out. We can all stay home, work from home.

So join the growing club of pipe-dreamers –they are all around now. There’s no competition at all, never has been. Take for example Rumi Sahib:

Rumi’s quote above –as a simple way forward does not probably suit the so-called modern times –which have been sold, oversold, packaged, repackaged for decades, and now the ‘chooran’ (pill) remains on the table again like the omnipresent paperweight called ‘new era’ (again).

…and like this manhole on the center of the road we ride on or drive on.

ChaiGPT has told me to stay home and chill.

Dont’ call the phone number though on the sign board. You’ll probably get into trouble. The image is for illustration purposes only and in lighter vein.

ChatGPT BTW (by the way) says “not enough data available” to suggest. And, the cursor on my laptop screen keeps blinking at one place –like a stilled silvery white horse contesting the evening light and going nowhere.

My pet VIP Jr. has also taken a random swing at my stream of thoughts. He has squatted on my laptop. Can’t therefore write any more further. He’s part and parcel of new normal of my daily ritual, can’t be ignored.

Things therefore I must buy any way today, from the convenience store ‘Marhaba’ –it is across the street: tamatar, aalo; adrak; lehsun; phal; dhanya patta; cigarette lighter; double roti (brown bread); sabzi; zeera powder; dhanya powder, hari mirch tez wali small, big ones not so tez wali.

Tomorrow is in dependence day anniversary. Me and VIP Jr. can’t be dependent for putting food on the table. Really? Pipe dream, no?: Of course not. I’m dependent on Marhaba. VIP Jr. is dependent on me. And, Marhaba is dependent on me and VIP Jr. as we are both its regular consumer customers.

In dependence