Category: Insight

Viruses Finally Reveal Their Complex Social Life

Carl Zimmer in Quanta: Ever since viruses came to light in the late 1800s, scientists…

Inspiring Quotes From Famous Visual Artists

From cave art to contemporary art, humans have created the most outstanding works of art…

What We Get Wrong About Poverty

Nathan Cheek at Psyche: Imagine this upsetting scenario: two women are both suffering physical abuse…

Habsora: Israel Military AI System “a Mass Assassination Factory”

A recent report claims another system called Where’s Daddy? monitors targets and alerts the military…

Is the Universe Really a ‘Dark Forest’ Full of Hostile Aliens in Hiding?

By Tony Milligan at Singularity Hub: We have no good reason to believe that aliens…

What is AI (Artificial Intelligence)?

Artificial intelligence is a machine’s ability to perform some cognitive functions we usually associate with…

Knowing vs Becoming (Urdu)

‘The Essence of Knowledge is Having it to Apply it’: A Conversation on Knowing vs…

Can Cells Think? Collectively Yes!

The Well at YouTube: We know that humans are an intelligent species. But biologist Michael…

Environmental DNA Is Everywhere. Scientists Are Gathering It All.

“Every day I see something bubbling up that didn’t occur to me.” Peter Andrey Smith…

The Universe May Be a Hologram, Meaning Our Entire Reality Could Be an Illusion

by Paul M. Sutter at Popular Mechanics: As theoretical physics delves deeper into the fundamental…

Qualities of a Great CEO—and, By Implication, Great Leaders

Eighty percent of successful CEOs come from within their companies, but many of them think…

The Rain Shadow Effect

Tomas Pueyo at Uncharted Territories: I’ve discussed this in the past, and you might have…