Author: DPstaff

Great Debates Have Raged Regarding the Flamingo’s Habit of Standing on One Leg

Flamingos are a vibrant and beautiful bird, magnificent in both size and vivid color. They…

Knowing vs Becoming (Urdu)

‘The Essence of Knowledge is Having it to Apply it’: A Conversation on Knowing vs…

Can Cells Think? Collectively Yes!

The Well at YouTube: We know that humans are an intelligent species. But biologist Michael…

Monday Poem: The Saddest Man on Earth

THE SADDEST MAN ON EARTH… ignored how the rain felt as he left home for…

What Will We See When the Lights Go Out?

by Ryan McCarty: My neighbor, near me on the bus, moves his lipswhile looking at…

We Have Forgotten the Invaluable Lessons Nature Can Teach Us. Return Children to Nature’s Classroom.

By Azal Zahir at The Express Tribune: A meta-analysis published in “Environmental Science and Technology,”…

NATO Without America

Can Europeans shore up their collective defense and security by creating an independent, strongly coordinated…

‘Hostage On a Truck’-by Habib Khan

“Cushtum as they still call the place, though the actual checkpoint has since moved.” Engr….

Environmental DNA Is Everywhere. Scientists Are Gathering It All.

“Every day I see something bubbling up that didn’t occur to me.” Peter Andrey Smith…

Sunday Poem: The Endless Journey

Man instinctively regards himselfas a wanderer and wayfarer,and it is second nature for himto go…

Five Years on From Prince Andrew’s Infamous BBC Interview, Netflix is Bringing it Back

Stuart Heritage at Air Mail: f you’re stuck for something to watch this weekend, you…

How to Fight Misinformation Without Censorship

Jacob Mchangama in Persuasion: 2024 is a pivotal year for the future of global democracy,…