Category: Arts

The British Empire Was Much Worse Than You Realize

The world’s biggest colonial power prided itself on being a liberal democracy. But liberal imperialism…

‘Picasso Picassofied People’ in Guernica

Peter Conrad at The Guardian: This ingenious final volume of an epic biography illuminates the…

Girls With Earrings (جھمکےاُتارے جاتے ہیں)

Girl with a Pearl Earring is a historical novel set in 17th-century Holland. It’s a…

Popper on Plato: ‘Open Society’ and ‘Closed Society’

In November of 1945, Karl Popper’s The Open Society and Its Enemies was published in…

Saudi Arabia Hosts Digital Art Forum -First in the Region

Saudi Arabia hosted the Middle East’s first digital art forum and brought together Saudi and…

Did Don Quixote Long For Muslim Spain?

Don Quixote is the Saturday Night Live of the Spanish Inquisition. Cervantes roasts everybody, including the Catholic Church…

The Most Dangerous Animal in the World

FLASHBAK: On June 8, 1963, the Illustrated London News ran the following story about an…

Sleeping Buddha Statues in Trash For ‘Safe Keeping’ (Video)

KARACHI: These pictures taken in March 2021 show three sleeping Buddha statues thrown out with…

Caucasian Blues and Sade’s Smooth Operator (Videos)

IRSHAD SALIM: “I love both these songs. Listen to them…they’re imaginative”, I said to a…

Tragedy King Dilip Kumar Passes Away. End of an Era.

Legendary Dilip Kumar is no more. He was 98. The quintessential tragedy king –doyen of…

KASHMIR: A Review of Two Biographies of Sheikh Abdullah

Punch line By Z.G. Muhammad: ‘Oh! It is a whopper sandwich.’It was my instantaneous reaction…

POEM: Disintegrating Calculus Problem

By McKENZIE TOMA: A dramatic clue lodged in a rockface.Set in a shimmering sound belt…