Category: History
H.G. Wells ‘Land of the Blind’
Shazia Shazia: In this story, the author tells us about a strange disease – joint disease spread in a remote village isolated from the world.
‘Britain’s Cover-up of Its 1845-1850 Holocaust in Ireland’
This rhyme is thought to relate to Irish beggars who arrived in England during the British genocide which resulted in millions of deaths.
On the Myth that Arabic Translations Merely Preserved Greek Literature
What is less well-known is that the point of translating foreign works was not to preserve them but to build on them.
History of Emotions: To Ancient Assyrians, the Liver Was the Seat of Happiness
Have you ever stopped to wonder whether the way you experience emotion in your body is the same as someone raised in a different…
In a Growing International Spat, the French Govt. Has Claimed Ownership of the Spanish Steps in Rome—and the Italians are Furiosi!
A regulator in Paris earlier this month briefly mentioned the steps in a 107-page report…
Why Was Socrates Killed?
Socrates apparently wasn’t doing anything dangerous. He simply asked questions, spoke to anyone: with nobles, with common citizens, with young people.
History Revisited: Spanish Conquest of America
Ana Corcuella: What do you think, that with the Spanish conquest, civilization was brought to America? Here I present to you a different story.
Occupied – Stolen Lands: A Bit About Historical Ado (Poem)
Over epochs of time,By apparent design,Man cycles thru being, barbarous beasts.To being better behaved at…
The Double-Agent War Hero Who Helped Japan Attack Pearl Harbor
Rutland was a British naval hero in the First World War, worked for the Japanese Navy in the years between the wars…
A Dated Conspiracy Theory Rises Again
by Jeroen van Baar at 3 Quarks Daily: In the chart-topping podcast The Rest is…
Unveiling Turkey’s Karahan Tepe: Evidence of a Prehistoric Extraterrestrial Civilization?
by Huynh Mai: Deep iп the heart of soυtheasterп Tυrkey lies aп archaeological site that…
An introduction to Migration in the Ancient World [Interactive Map]
From OUP: Migration has played a vital role in shaping human history and continues to…