Why is the West Against Islam?
Shared by Qayyum Ahmed: A brother named Ranjit Lal Madhavan has written a very nice article in Malayalam. After reading and listening to it, I felt the urge to translate
Shared by Qayyum Ahmed: A brother named Ranjit Lal Madhavan has written a very nice article in Malayalam. After reading and listening to it, I felt the urge to translate
In 1958, Mao Zedong ordered all the sparrows to be killed because they ate too much grain… Read more here. Honorary contributors to DesPardes: Adil Khan, Ajaz Ahmed, Anwar Abbas,
Continue readingHow Killing Sparrows Led to Great Famines in China (VIDEO)
“All you have to do for your kid to receive the best education in the Bay Area is put them in a classroom where their teachers will not speak English
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Here are some reasons why Japanese kids are different than the rest of the world: Schoolchildren follow rules that are strange but true: These children’s daily rituals at school enable
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Robin Wright in The New Yorker: The girls and women of Iran are just bitchin’ brave, flipping the bird at its Supreme Leader in a challenge to one of the most
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Honorary contributors to DesPardes: Adil Khan, Ajaz Ahmed, Anwar Abbas, Arif Mirza, Aziz Ahmed, Bawar Tawfik, Dr. Razzak Ladha, Dr. Syed M. Ali, G. R. Baloch, Hasham Saddique, Jamil Usman,
Once headed for extinction, nutrient-dense millet (باجرا) is now being recognized as a solution to global food problems. The U.N. hopes to encourage more parts of Asia and Africa to
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Built by indigenous masons, these 1,500-year-old pyramids are still standing strong, held together by sticky juice from the prickly pear cactus. By Lina Zeldovich at BBC: From a distance, the
Harvard educated professor Steven Arthur Pinker is a Canadian-American cognitive scientist, psychologist, psycholinguist, and a public intellectual. He’s an advocate of evolutionary psychology and the computational theory of mind. Pinker’s
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Jonah Fisher at the BBC: Switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy could save the world as much as $12tn (£10.2tn) by 2050, an Oxford University study says. The report said
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Jeff Schatten in The Chronicle of Higher Education: When I was a kid, my favorite poem was Shel Silverstein’s “The Homework Machine,” which summed up my childhood fantasy: a machine
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During the period covering last 10 years, following TEN major reasons of serious deterioration in a family’s financial condition have critically been noticed: –Everyone in family owns smartphone.-Vacations are taken
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