Dhaka Debacle Part 1 & 2 (Video)
IRSHAD SALIM: As I work on the 3rd of many comments and observations I have on the Dhaka Debacle, I am re-posting below Part 1 & 2 of my views
IRSHAD SALIM: As I work on the 3rd of many comments and observations I have on the Dhaka Debacle, I am re-posting below Part 1 & 2 of my views
Usually when we think of a coup, we think of that kind. But there is another type that is very common in history: a “coup from above.” That’s more difficult
Continue readingOPINION: Israel Is On Its Way To Becoming a Dictatorship
IRSHAD SALIM – Early this week I shared my comment on the state of affairs (Dollar swing & Pak Rupee slide) in Pakistan with many who are on my WhatsApp
Continue readingSattar Baksh NOT Starbucks and TWO Comments on Pak Economy WhatsApp Shared
Jim Mattis, the former US Secretary of Defense with a decade of experience in interacting with Pakistan leadership claims in his book “Call Sign Chaos: Learning to Lead” that Pakistan’s
Continue readingSome Comments on Jim Mattis View on Pak Politics
Former chief justice of Pakistan (CJP) Jawwad S Khawaja at the launch of his book, Slaughtered without a Knife, at Kitab Ghar Literary Festival on Saturday. “I have written a
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New world order. The structure of the U.S.-China bipolar rivalry will make the next Cold War less stable than the previous one, Jo Inge Bekkevold writes. Arsenal of democracy. After
Continue readingFive ways the next Cold War will be different
Scott Alexander at Astral Codex Ten: With a title like that, obviously I will be making a nitpicky technical point. I’ll start by making the point, then explain why I
Amanda Marcotte in Salon: It’s no secret, among political junkies anyway, that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and much of the Republican elite have been casting around for a way to
IRSHAD SALIM: A clear and imminent military defeat was inevitable and unavoidable; any military mind knew it then, and would know this now –looking at things on hindsight: Still, the
Continue readingDhaka Debacle: ‘War is Too Serious a Business to Be Left to the Generals’
Shared by Qayyum Ahmed: A brother named Ranjit Lal Madhavan has written a very nice article in Malayalam. After reading and listening to it, I felt the urge to translate
by Jochen Szangolies: On May 11, 1997, chess computer Deep Blue dealt then-world chess champion Garry Kasparov a decisive defeat, marking the first time a computer system was able to
Continue readingHyperintelligence: Art, AI, and the Limits of Cognition
by Pranab Bardhan: The recent spectacular rise of extreme right-wing parties in Italy and Sweden and the squeaking narrow victory of Lula in Brazil have revived the puzzle that in
Continue readingThe Puzzle of Working Class Politics Around the World